What to Expect

Our congregation was founded in 1889, and our building is a beautiful historic structure built in 1917.  We have updated and added on to it through the years to make it handicapped accessibile,  but it is still a beauitful, sacred space.  Here is just a bit about what you can expect to encounter when you join us for worship.

Worship:  We are a church with traditional  worship each week. We participate in the liturgy of hymns, calls to worship, the Apostle's Creed and Lord's Prayer, with Biblical preaching and teaching.  We observe liturgical seasons of the church, including Lent, Pentecost, Advent, and other special times within the church. We have a choir that sings most Sundays, though not all. We are multi-generational, all worshipping together. We are a church that honors our past, but looks towards the future.

On-line Worship:  We live-stream our worship each Sunday at 10:30.  It is available on our church facebook page, and remains available to view throughout the week.  It is a public page, so a facebook account is not necessary to view the service.  It can be found by clicking on this link.    https://www.facebook.com/trinityumcpurcell. We also stream to YouTube and our services can be viewed by clicking on this link. Purcell Trinity UMC - YouTube.

Parking:  Parking is available on 2nd Street, in front of the church and the main entrance.  Additional parking is located in the rear of the church, accessed from Washington Street.  There is a long, rectangular parking lot that extends down to Adams.  There are two different entrances to the church from the rear parking lot. Designated Handicapped spaces are available in the rear lot just off Washington Street.  The double glass doors are easily accessible as an entrance to the church.

Handicapped Accessibility:  The church is equipped with an elevator.  If parked in the rear parking lot, access is through the double glass doors near the handicapped spots.   The ground floor is also accessible from 2nd St. parking by following the sidewalk along the east side of the church, through the office door, and then follow the signs to the elevator.  Note:  When using the elevator or rear entrance, you will enter the Sanctuary near the front.  However, pews are right there and one can quickly and easily find a seat.

Dress code:  There is none!  Just wear clothes, please.  Seriously, wear whatever you are comfortable in.  Some people wear dresses or sports jackets--most wear slacks, jeans, and even shorts in the summer.  Be comfortable!

Children in worship:   Children are welcome in worship!  We do have a lovely renovated nursery in the basement, with volunteer nursery staff as needed.  We also have an inviting  area in the rear of the sanctuary, furnished with rocking chairs and quiet toys for toddlers or infants. There is space for toddlers to move around.   You are welcome to take children up to age 4 to the nursery, or remain in worship with them.   There is a Children's Moment about 15 minutes into the service, with kids being invited up to the front for a special message.  On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, children aged pre-K through 5th grade are invited to Children's Church after the chidlren's time.  They will have a fun age appropriate lesson and return to the sanctuary just before closing.   There are also Children's Activity bags hanging just inside the sanctuary doors, containing crayons, color sheets, paper, pencils, etc.      

Sacrament of Holy Communion:  We participate in Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  All are welcome to receive communion. There are no membership requirements, and you don't even have to be Methodist.  Children are welcome to participate as well.  We believe that Communion is a means of grace through which Christ can be present in our lives.