Our Beliefs


We believe in One God, who created all things, and is still creating.  We believe that God expresses the Divine as seen through the Holy Trinilty, evidenced through God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit.  We believe that God is present and active in the world today, and that we are called to be willing partners in  a new creation.


We believe that Jesus is the son of God, born as a human baby to the Virgin Mary, come in flesh as God to the world.  Jesus' life showed us how to love God and love each other.  His teachings are the very  of foundations of our Christian faith.  We believe he suffered, was crucified and buried.  Jesus' Resurrection on the third day  is the sign of victory over death, and triumph over sin and evil.  Jesus' death on the cross was sacrificial and atoning, and frees us from slavery to sin and death. If we accept God's amazing grace, freely offered to us by Jesus himself on the cross, we find healing and eternal life.

The Bible:

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written by men over many years, inspired by the Holy Spirit.   We believe Scripture contains everything necessary for us to experience Salvation.  The Bible reveals who God is, how much God loves us, and the over-arching plan God has for the salvation of mankind.  It is intended to instruct, guide, and inspire us to seek a relationship with God through Jesus.


Grace is at the very heart of our belief system.  God's grace is forgiving, endless, and free.  Grace is the over-riding standard for our lives, as we understand that God has shown us never-ending grace.  We too are called to live a life of grace and love towards all those we encounter.  When we are open to the leadings of the Holy Spirit, we can move towards a life of grace.


For more information on the United Methodist Church, please follow the link to the Denominational website.

Doctrinal Standards and General Rules

From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2004. Copyright 2004 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.